Energy Services

Energy Services offers a wide range of services using highly skilled staff and a well-developed network of providers that offer complementary programs. Many of the customers of Energy Services’ largest program, the Weatherization Assistance Program, fall well below the level of 60% of the state median income set as a requirement for the Weatherization, Home Energy Assistance, and EmPower NY Programs. Many of these customers also pay over 50% of their monthly take-home pay for housing costs. Energy Services provides critical support that allows families and individuals to use what precious resources they have towards other basic necessities such as healthy food, medical care, and transportation.  Customers will also work very closely with Energy Services staff to access other programs and services that may help them reach and maintain self-sufficiency.

Program Highlights:

Weatherization Assistance Program

The Weatherization Assistance Program is funded by the United States Department of Energy and the Department of Health and Human Services and is administered by New York State Homes and Community Renewal. A trained auditor will conduct a comprehensive energy audit of the home. Based on the audit and funds available, weatherization measures, which have been determined to be the most cost effective in reducing energy consumption and increasing comfort, will be performed. Activities may include insulation, energy efficient lighting, health and safety measures such as carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, draft reduction using the latest air sealing techniques, insulation, window and door repair or replacement and refrigerator replacement   Heating systems are cleaned and tuned to perform more efficiently and are repaired or replaced if deemed necessary.  Eligibility for program participation is based on income and previous weatherization services received. Rental units and owner-occupied dwellings are eligible for the program.

EmPower NY
EmPower New York (EmPower NY) is an energy efficiency program for tenants and homeowners, funded by the New York State Energy Research Development Authority (NYSERDA) and implemented by Honeywell International, Inc. The goal of this program is to help low-income households reduce energy use and costs using cost-effective Electric Reduction (ER) measures such as lighting, refrigerator and freezer replacements, and Home Performance (HP) strategies such as insulation and air sealing to reduce drafts keeping their homes warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. Health and safety measures are also addressed as appropriate. On-site energy education provides households with further strategies for managing their energy costs on a daily basis.  Eligibility for EmPower NY is based on income.

For more information and applications please call (315) 255-1703

This program provides funding for emergency home repairs to low-income homeowners aged 60 or greater in Cayuga County.